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We are in the High Desert, snow is part of our climate and Altitude is Everything!

Many people enjoy outdoor winter recreation in Nevada. From the pristine beauty of a winter forest, to being the first person skiing down a slope in fresh powder, or a thrilling snowmobile ride across untrodden snow. Nevada has it all.

NevadAdventureS is here to help you learn more about what is available in Nevada. We want to help you find the places to enjoy the winter and participate in winter sports, we want to make your trip easier.

There are three main areas to enjoy winter sports in Nevada. The Reno-Tahoe area, Mt Charleston area, and Elko. But don't get us wrong, if there is snow there is always a place to play--anywhere.

Cross country skiing, snowmobiling, skiing, snow boarding, snow shoeing, the list goes on. We want to help you have the information you need to enjoy what Nevada has to offer.

NevadAdventureS will help you achieve the winter recreation you desire and deserve.



Click to the Wintersports Map