Mountain City's

"Ride to Nowhere" Poker Run

& Bar-B-Q

Saturday June 17,2000

This is a fund raising event for the community of Mountain City's new "Welcome to Mountain City" sign and promote the "Bridge to Nowhere"

The Poker Run is open to everyone including all types of legal vehicles, motorcycles, bicyclists, and pedestrians. An entry fee of $15.00 for each poker hand includes a Bar-B-Q and one entry for prize drawings. Mountain City will host a Bar-B-Q and dance on "The Bridge to Nowhere". Prizes will be awarded for different poker hands. You may buy as many hands as possible. late registration taken at the bridge. There will be a poker walk in the Mountain City town also.

 Poker Run
 Time 8:30 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.

Registration at Cowboy Joe's - East End of Elko

1st. Poker Stop

American Thunder Motorcycle 246 6th. St. Elko, Nevada

2nd. Poker Stop

Napa Auto One Stop 331 12th. St. Elko, Nevada

3rd. Poker Stop

Lone Mountain Station - Go North on Hwy 225 (27 miles)

4th. Poker Stop

Dunn's Wildhorse Resort _ Hwy 225 (Another 36 miles)

5th. Poker Stop

"Bridge to Nowhere" Mountain City, Nevada(24 miles from Dunn's Wildhorse Resort. Total of 84 miles from Elko

2:00 P.M.

Mountain City Bar-B-Q, Dance, Special Prize Drawings & Awards.

For more information and registration, contact Elaine at 775-778-6816 or 775-778-0608 after 6:00 p.m.

** Remember** Please take caution when driving through the canyon along the Owyhee River from Wildhorse Resort to Mountain City. Volunteers will be posted with flags for caution as a reminder. Enjoy the scenery, businesses, and your local communities along the way.

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